The museum organizes jubilees, anniversaries, temporary exhibitions, master classes, presentations, festivities, meetings and scientific competitions. Meamwhile evenings dedicated to the brothers Orbeli are our thanksgiving to them.
During these meetings the brothers’ favourite melodies are played and passages from their  letters are read.
The brothers’ jubilees organized by the stuff members of the museum together with the members   of the Orbeli Club where the pupis of Art School and secondary school as well as people from  different layers of the society take part.
The stuff members wish to strengthen the bonds between the museum and Armenian and Foreign   Societies. All this comes to broaden the fame of the brothers. They also publish research papers on  the brothers’ life and scientific activity.
There is a tradition to deliver the diplomas of the students of the Medical College named after Levon Orbeli in the museum.
The activity of the museum is constantly illustrated in the mass media. The museum takes part in  the holiday Museum Night initiated by the French Museums.
The museum is an instructive and interesting place for the tourists of all ages and occupations.