The Halls of the Museum
The brothers Orbeli occupy an honoured place in the galaxy of outstanding national and international scientists. They influenced not only the direction of much scientific enquiry, but also entire generations of scientists.
The exhibition consists of two parts-scientific and memorial.
The exbibits in chronological order illustrating the Orbelis’ life, scientific and social activity are displayed in the six halls of the museum. In the first three halls the furniture of the brothers’ studies-the old writing-table, the sofa and the armchair, the safe, books, manuscripts and photos, personal belongings and documents are on display.The library is of great attention wbich contains old Armenian publications, books in foreign languages such as Russian, German and Italian with their notes in the margins.
The books published by the brothers are found in the library too.
The family of the Orbelis is of old noble origin. They come from the famous Mamikonians and played a great role in the social and cultural life of the Armenians. The paternal grandfather (1809-1891) graduated from the Lazarian Seminary and was ordained as a clergyman and served in the Armenian Сhurhes of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Later he moved to Tiflis to serve in the Armenian Сhurch.
The father of the brothers Abgar Orbeli (1849-1912) graduadet from the Imperial University of St. Petersburg, faculty of law.
He was an educated and well-read man. He was also interestend in social and political life. Being of modest means, he, nevertheless, made every effort to support his cbildren’s education.
His wife, Varvara Movses Arghutian-Yerkainabazuk (1857-1937), came from a noble family. She was an educated woman, spoke four languagesad took great care of her sons up bringing and education.